Which in itself is strange when you consider the massive breach of trust and expected behaviour that would come with a child being abused by a parent/relative.
While all child molestation is vile, it's more vile for it to be committed by a supposed loved one (at least in my eyes)
There's also the issue of not identifying the minor involved (at least in Australian law).
So "Joe Bloggs was convicted of molesting his niece" would not be able to be reported, since it could identify the victim.
And "A man was convicted of molesting his niece" isn't really news - if it's all anonymous, then it probably needs to be a trend story. And thankfully the trend seems to be downwards, though I suspect there's still a tragic amount of unreported crimes of this nature.
While all child molestation is vile, it's more vile for it to be committed by a supposed loved one (at least in my eyes)