> Keep the format and entry method simple above all else. I use Sublime Text to edit markdown files now, and have only had trouble with various more feature-rich options like Obsidian.
Ive reached the same conclusion. I use my IDE (vscode) and markdown. Unstructured notes are easy to write, and I value that over discoverability. Its the same principle as nosql vs sql, or the same benefits of a datalake!
I almost never go back and look at my notes, which I write per task. When I do I use the VSCode search. Whats more important for me is zero friction to writing them down. Its more of a “working memory “ dump than a document to share or read again.
I actually noticed the same principle at play with arc browser. I hated thinking about “where does this tab belong” every time I wanted to open a new one or put things side by side.
Ive reached the same conclusion. I use my IDE (vscode) and markdown. Unstructured notes are easy to write, and I value that over discoverability. Its the same principle as nosql vs sql, or the same benefits of a datalake!
I almost never go back and look at my notes, which I write per task. When I do I use the VSCode search. Whats more important for me is zero friction to writing them down. Its more of a “working memory “ dump than a document to share or read again.
I actually noticed the same principle at play with arc browser. I hated thinking about “where does this tab belong” every time I wanted to open a new one or put things side by side.