Open twitter, find any tankie account, and read what they write about kulaks, for example. It is very, very commonplace.
Leftist ideology promotes those things in theory, yes. However, in almost all of my personal and internet interactions with modern western leftists they were arrogant, aggressive and looking for any minuscule reason to openly hate somebody, most often one of their own. And from talking to a lot of other people, those personal experiences of mine are far from unique.
“Soviet style communism” quickly became authoritarianism, especially under Stalin. He was communist in title only imo, with a focus on genocide and foolhardily believing that eliminating people with actual education in their fields and replacing them with “the commoners” was somehow good for the country because it looked communist.
Communist theory may not imply those things, but it always comes down to them in practice.
I have a theory that if you jump of a tall building and wave your hands really hard, you can fly. This theory does not imply you falling to your death. And if you do, it just means you weren't really following my method.
Then just don't mix up the words, I guess? Otherwise you end up saying nonsense like this:
> I have a theory that if you jump of a tall building and wave your hands really hard, you can fly. This theory does not imply you falling to your death. And if you do, it just means you weren't really following my method.
Every communist regime becomes authoritarian; none has proven otherwise. But we can see many examples of successful capitalist countries with democracy and freedom, even though they aren't perfect.
An argument I’ve seen is that we haven’t seen a truly communist country yet. The most promising ones (imo) were smaller countries who’s communist ambitions were stifled by American-backed coups. Many of the earlier communist leaders like Lenin and Mao also knew that their countries weren’t communist in practice, as you can’t slip a switch and suddenly you have working communism. Their goals were to establish governments that could lead their populations to eventually being communism in practice instead of just as an ideal. Obviously, this depends on having a government that is actively trying to make itself obsolete, and most politicians don’t want that.
Capitalism may “work”, but it’s definitely not sustainable without checks and balances and limits on wealth accumulation and influence. Allowed to roam free, it’s disingenuous to say they “aren’t perfect”, they’re destroying the planet and its people.
> Capitalism may “work”, but it’s definitely not sustainable without checks and balances and limits on wealth accumulation and influence. Allowed to roam free, it’s disingenuous to say they “aren’t perfect”, they’re destroying the planet and its people.
I don't see how this wouldn't apply to so called working communism, if there is any
Oh yeah, the old and tired argument that we haven't seen "true communism". I'm still waiting for it but till then, the ideology can be deemed invalid. I wonder if people that give this argument realize that they sound like religious cultists saying we haven't reached the true promise land...let's push harder! (despite all evidence being against them).
Oh I’m not pushing for them to “keep waiting”. I personally am of a mind that if you’re going to do “real communism” then just do it - don’t know how that works or looks, but we inevitably end up with governments like China when going the stop-gap route.
Personally I’d be more in favor of socialism. Even that requires a lot of retooling, and most countries would have an easier time with more regulated capitalism backed by more socialist governments.
The official ideology of North Korea is Juche. Position papers in the 1970s said Juche is not communism, and that position has if anything become more solid over time.
They’re not communist because they call themselves communist, they’re communist because communists agree with what they do. Stealing other people’s things, censoring opposing opinions, killing people they don’t like and making it illegal to leave are all very communist ideas. Seemingly the only thing communists don’t like about these “not true communist” countries is that they weren’t successful.
Hacker news is great for many reasons and one of them is that it hasn’t become a place for nazis and other to spread their insanity. (No idea what the comment was)
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