Why is it wild? They are not telling you to not use UserDefaults anymore. The only thing you have to do is say “I store the users preferred sort order of the thinger list in UD” or whatever your non-malicious app does.
There is no magic here. I see a lot of complaining here but for 99.9% of devs it is a one time two minute check mark exercise.
Its just a pointless friction point. Both for devs and users. 100% of the apps you use will have this permission. No user is going to deny the request. Its the same as the Android 'network' permission, which no one bats an eye at.
For devs, is Apple going to now audit your `UserDefaults` usage and deny an app update because you forgot to enumerate that you _also_ store preferred start page in your new release? Why even add this mental energy to the process unnecessarily?
There is no magic here. I see a lot of complaining here but for 99.9% of devs it is a one time two minute check mark exercise.