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Smaller, more versatile antenna could be a communications game-changer (lanl.gov)
2 points by westurner on Aug 31, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

From TA https://discover.lanl.gov/publications/connections/2022-june... :

> LightSlingers use volume-distributed polarization currents, animated within a dielectric to faster-than-light [FTL] speeds, to emit electromagnetic waves. (By contrast, traditional antennas employ surface currents of subluminally moving massive particles on localized metallic elements such as dipoles.) Owing to the superluminal motion of the radiation source, LightSlingers are capable of “slinging” tightly focused wave packets with high precision toward a location of choice. This gives them potential advantages over phased arrays in secure communications such as 4G and 5G local networks

> Several prototypes of Lightslinger have been tested in lab environments and in the field over distances of up to 76 km. Also, three of them were independently validated by a U.S. telecommunications company. Los Alamos is now looking to transition the antennas to commercial prototypes that can be field tested and mass-produced by additive manufacturing and robotic processing.

Phononic quantum computing probably needs LightSlinger sensors, too?: https://www.google.com/search?q=phononic+quantum+computing

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