Normally I'm against such huge mergers - but Activision Blizzard is one of the most hostile companies against their users and employees I have ever seen. I can't imagine this being a bad thing for game fans.
Well, King makes almost twice as much money as Blizzard iirc, so I would say that they're focusing their resources in the right places.
Making $60 desktop games is just a horrible business to be in, the development costs are too high, and the return is too low. Why would you make a AAA title when you can make Candy Crush? It only makes sense to divert resources where the ROI picture is prettier.
MS could decide to prevent resale of next new game to be release on the PS like they did with Starfield. However, they are still significantly better than Sony, so can’t complain too much. This acquisition is probably a good thing for the game developers tho
By all accounts the sale agreement came together rapidly in the light of dark revelations about the state of Blizzard's work culture. I think the company has just been authentically bad without that pressure
How the AVB board did not immediately fire Kotick when it came out that he not only knew about the horrific culture of sexual harassment and hazing in his workplace, but that he withheld it from them, is absolutely baffling to me. Maybe that's what spurred this on.
Ironically, in the age of the internet it has brought things like access to the entire planets information for free, connection with everyone in the world for free, almost free same day shipping, etc. Not saying there aren't trade offs (you have to look at ads) but broadly speaking, it's never been better to be a consumer than right now.