The phone in Tomorrow Never Dies does have full color HD streaming video from the car as it's remote controlled, look at your own link (and the one pointed out by a sibling comment). The monochrome green UI is just what you see on start-up.
Secondly, the Bond movies are set in the modern day (or close enough). So unlike say 2001 A Space Oddesey the gadgets Q comes up with aren't an attempt to foresee technology development in the distant future.
So the fact that it uses a UI in common use in the mid-90s is to be expected.
Generally speaking (there's some exceptions) no technology in the Bond universe is too outlandish to pass as potential modern day advancements in some top-secret MI-6 laboratory.
Yes you raise a good point. I need to stop commenting when I am running on fumes after a long 16 hr day. If I had just played 5 more second of video I'd have been reminded of the video camera feature of the phone. Still, I am nostalgic for old school displays like that.
Secondly, the Bond movies are set in the modern day (or close enough). So unlike say 2001 A Space Oddesey the gadgets Q comes up with aren't an attempt to foresee technology development in the distant future.
So the fact that it uses a UI in common use in the mid-90s is to be expected.
Generally speaking (there's some exceptions) no technology in the Bond universe is too outlandish to pass as potential modern day advancements in some top-secret MI-6 laboratory.