"I have a table called `onboardings` with the state field. I want to return how many people we have in each state. The Postgres query should return the state, how many people count, and what percentage do those people represent."
Claude-2, correct response and rounds the percentage - makes a nice assumption for me.:
SELECT state,
count(*) AS people_count,
round(100.0 * count(*) / (SELECT count(*) FROM onboardings), 2) AS percent
FROM onboardings
GROUP BY state
ORDER BY people_count DESC;
Phind, correct response as well! Really fast too!:
WITH state_counts AS (
SELECT state, COUNT(*) as count
FROM onboardings
GROUP BY state
total_counts AS (
SELECT COUNT(*) as total
FROM onboardings
SELECT sc.state, sc.count, (sc.count::decimal / tc.total::decimal) * 100 as percentage
FROM state_counts sc, total_counts tc
ORDER BY sc.count DESC;
Claude-2, correct response and rounds the percentage - makes a nice assumption for me.:
Phind, correct response as well! Really fast too!: