I hate nextcloud with a passion and I just hope they can govern a project like roundcube... used it for 20 years even through the whole roundcube next debacle. That said roundcube itself is not an oss project with a clean track record.
Nextcloud is the OSS equivalent of IBM and ticking boxes so it's easy for management to pull the trigger but every feature is just a half-assed buggy implementation. Gobbling up OSS funds and fucking up government projects that try to rely on it. It's a disgrace.
Hmm, I am using it for years and can’t quite relate to your passionate hate.
With regards to box ticking, that is probably something you need to do if you want to compete with Gsuite and O365. Both have sales teams which are influencing some decision makers in organisations wherever they can.
If you give these people the opportunity to say ‘Ha, we can’t use Nextcloud because it does not support XYZ’ then they will. You never get fired because you bought IBM.
It is very difficult to get through this barrier. Sometimes you need to put a bit of lipstick on your pig, because others did it as well.
Plus, XYZ might be implemented half-aresed in Gsuite or O365 as well.
You wrote it yourself "might be implemented half-arsed in Gsuite or O365". You can be sure it's half-arsed with nextcloud. For smaller deployments it might be fine but it starts to get bogged down with more than 1000 users.
NextCloud is just your typical PHP & MySQL webapp. The scaling limit is how many connections your database server can handles and how much iops your disk provides.
I beg to differ and so would our over 1000 customers, none of them with less than 100 seats (we don't sell below that). Most have 1000 users or more.
The largest has several tens of millions of users and they are using Global Scale. One customer runs nearly 4 million users on a single cluster.
Nextcloud is a complicated beast, and scaling to tens of thousands of users isn't trivial, but then that is what Nextcloud Enterprise is for. So if you need a large scale installation, no problem - contact our team and we get you up and running.
"tens of millions"? you must specify what. hosting mail with 20GiB average mailboxes? Or a publicly accessible file share with a million monthly hits? Big difference. I would not productionise Nextcloud for a large organisation.
Finally there are very few orgs worldwide even with a few hundred k employees and any firm would get huge Microsoft discounts at that scale for products like SharePoint (on prem), Exchange (on prem) and Office Server (on prem also)... and oodles of support over a very mature product which Nextcloud is simply not.
I would love to have a look in your customer feedback questionnaire responses :)
..but ofc I would say the same in your position.
Edit: Just so you know we are still a customer of yours with over 3k users but not for long anymore. We tried to work with you for over 4 years now and got absolutely nothing. Neither performance nor features.
True but it does have the features that look attractive.
Too bad "beta quality everywhere" attitude never gets fixed. Basic stuff like weird upload indicator on the web, desktop app freezing when synching some 10GB or so and I don't even want to touch most of the third party plugins which are at alpha quality.
It's like a selfish girl that you need to treat carefully or it starts crying real fast.
Nextcloud is the OSS equivalent of IBM and ticking boxes so it's easy for management to pull the trigger but every feature is just a half-assed buggy implementation. Gobbling up OSS funds and fucking up government projects that try to rely on it. It's a disgrace.