This was a while ago so it probably wouldn’t work today.
I had to get past a captcha for automation and the solution I came up with was to always choose 2. If it was incorrect, just request a new captcha until it passed. For some reason, 2 was the answer most of the time so it actually rarely had to retry anyways
> For some reason, 2 was the answer most of the time
I’m getting flashbacks to LensLok™; the two-letter codes were often very hard to read though the plastic lens, and when you’d get the code wrong enough times, you’d have to load in the entire program again (from tape!), which took ages. There was also a “training” mode, of sorts, to help people familiarize themselves with reading the codes. In the training mode, the code letters were always “OK”. But here’s the kicker: For some unfathomable reason, the real code was very often (but not always) also the letters “OK”! So it was easier (at least on your eyes) to just always enter the letters “OK”, and hope it worked. What time you lost reloading for when it didn’t work you’d save by not having to adjust the scale to the size of your TV every single time.
Definitely wouldn't work today. Nowadays you need to classify like 30 images of bicycles and 20 fire hydrants and pray to god before they accept your answer...
This is why I don’t have an account with Snapchat/Instagram/etc. I tried signing up and physically couldn’t get past the challenges. I take too long to solve them and then I’m asked to solve more…
Sometimes if they hate your client and ip they put you into a captcha tar pit that you only think you could get out of. Only a bot would keep trying but a human will die in there too even if they have the tenacity of a bot.
I had to get past a captcha for automation and the solution I came up with was to always choose 2. If it was incorrect, just request a new captcha until it passed. For some reason, 2 was the answer most of the time so it actually rarely had to retry anyways