So, I read one, went into the next room and told it to my 18-year old daughter, and got an exasperated smile, just like every dad joke should. Five out of five stars, would recommend.
Redesigned the FDIC's online deposit insurance calculator to be 100% client side just before WAMU fell over and the crash that followed.
Before the three-step one pager it was a UX that only a mother could love on payday. The bigger problem was every time it would end up on somewhere like Yahoo finance (don't laugh, this was 2007 and earlier) it would fall over like this database. The key to scaling it seems pretty obvious today, write all the searchable data out to a single JSON file and have the browser poll that. It was doing multiple millions of user sessions a day I was told and couldn't have been deployed at a better time.
Some projects you get lucky with I suppose. I check it out every once in a while and the UX is basically still the same.
I can’t remember if I’ve ever encountered a UI that annoyed me as much as that virtual password entry.
I ended up getting locked out of my account due to some issue trying to enter what my password manager generated for me and eventually just gave up on ever converting the one small paper bond I was given as a kid to a digital one.
If the goal was to frustrate people away from converting paper bonds, they certainly succeeded.
Yup and you know what? That's exactly the kind of detail I don't need a government IT worker sweating over. They should just pay the premium to cloud providers and move on to more important things
Isn't AWS Global Accelerator just the edge CDN (like Cloudflare) here? When the actual web server went down it will not able to cover it, looks like AWS Global Accelerator lacks the Cloudflare feature of showing you the last cached result.
Global accelerator is an anycast solution that routes your traffic to an specific AWS region (an EC2 instance or load balancer) via AWS's backbone network. It improves latency mostly, but can also be used for cases where a static IP is required (zero-rated billing, customers using egress firewall rules, etc)
I could not disagree more. Government already suffers a huge stigma of waste and overspending, no need to add to that stigma by overspending on checks notes a list of dad jokes.
That's not to say I'm not glad this exists - I am! But I don't think it deserves a large budget.
Nah, the US govt is actually usually pretty good these days about solid infrastructure, website designs, security practices, etc.
It is unknown why this particular website (if it ever existed?) got hugged to death, but much of the Government uses AWS govcloud and similar solutions.
Seconded. At this particular point in my career “govcloud” sounds like a normal word. Our project has an overbuilt but robust cloud native architecture (even if I’m not a cloud services evangelist myself) that I think would surprise many folks in the private sector regarding its sophistication.
Don’t get me wrong, there’s still a lot of waste, inefficiency, and BS in government contracting. But some aspects of it are getting better. In our case, we were explicitly told by our “customer” to allocate more resources to scaling than we may in the private sector so that our application would not get hugged to death.
eh i disagree, I've been in govt IT for 16 years working as a group that supports all agencies. I would definitely not say "much of the Government uses aws govcloud and similar solutions" but thats just my experience
I was on the cheapest plan Heroku offers when my startup hit #1. Things got sluggish so I had to spin up another dyno, but it was fine after that. Of course things depend heavily on time of day and day of week. Since it's currently the holidays in much of the world, things could be slower than normal.
On those grounds, you can probably argue that any spending anywhere reduces the deficit in the long run.
EDIT: to clarify, an argument that providing dad-jokes leads to less single motherhood (which then leads to less spending) is so tenuous, that if you accept it, you can accept almost any kind of mental gymnastics.
I agree that reducing single motherhood would probably lead to less spending. It's the connection to dad-jokes that tenuous (at least without any further evidence).
Pointing out flaws in these purported proofs is not an argument against Pythagoras' theorem; it's still true after all. It's merely an argument against the faulty arguments.
Oh, I wasn't even complaining about using government money for dad jokes.
I don't know whether it's a good use of tax money (probably not), but it's such a minuscule amount in the grand scheme of things, that it doesn't really matter.
Eg repealing the Jones act would do a lot more, if one wanted to get riled up about something. It's basically a very inefficient re-distribution from Hawaiians to a few domestic ship owners.
These levels of irony shouldn't be possible! You could probably fuel a FTL spacecraft using this stuff, and it would probably work better than running it on government money.
Remember when we were told that insurance companies would go bankrupt without the individual mandate and then it was ruled unconstitutional and not implemented after the first few years and insurance companies made more money than ever?
The insurance industry could've tolerated quite a bit of disruption. The ACA was successful in ensuring the donor class got to keep the profit levels they are accustomed to, the only thing it was ever designed to do.
Now a bunch of people are paying hundreds a month for a ten thousand dollar deductible. Those people already pay for socialized medicine (the US spends the most on socialized medicine per captia), so I don't see that as a win as much as a gift to the insurance companies.
Thanks for the links! I spent my free morning setting up a Mastodon bot [1] posting one joke per hour, the APIs made it easy and the whole thing made me laugh.
That there is a Federally funded Natural Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse at and not an equivalent reminds me of Paul Graham's "What You Can't Say" [0][1][2].
How much suffering could we avoid for children if we could convince more pregnant women to not smoke and drink and consume drugs?
In my experience, many mothers are not getting any prenatal care. Many are pregnant before they know it and do not discontinue activities which will harm their child.
Absolutely not. I think we should fund a Natural Responsible Motherhood Clearinghouse and host it at But telling women to be responsible mothers is not as politically easy as telling men to be responsible fathers.
> But telling women to be responsible mothers is not as politically easy as telling men to be responsible fathers.
But as I said, we do that already, and far more directly as part of women's healthcare. It is not a men's health issue, so it can't be done through existing systems. The effectiveness of telling women to be responsible mothers, which you objected to earlier, does not negate the fact that we do tell them, so your political narrative does not make sense.
You are intentionally missing the point because you are upset about some supposed political alignment of the other commenter. In the spirit of the Paul Graham post about taboo I'm going to tell you to take a deep breath, separate logic and emotion, and do better.
What point? That there should be a separate website for telling mothers about motherhood? Why would it be necessary if it's already in existing websites and programs?
reception is a play on words, in an actual wedding it would mean the that the attendees had a good reaction. In the sense that the newly weds are satellites, the reception can also refer to radio signal reception.
Joke's on you: those are not my tax dollars. Foreigners get those premium dad jokes free of charge.
(Though I wonder whether the Chinese can claim dumping with the WTO? That's what the Americans do with Chinese goods that are delivered cheaper than they would like to compete with.)
That's probably true. My adopted home of Singapore holds enough foreign reserves to more than back every Singapore dollar they issued. In practice, 'foreign reserves' is mostly another name for US government debt.
It may seem silly on the surface, but solving issues at the root is often way more effective than treating the symptoms. In plain words: we're better off solving crime by having a kid grow up in a healthy household, rather than throwing that kid in prison after they commit a crime, who may in turn have a kid who grows up in an unhealthy household without a father.
It's an line to draw in terms of spending given how absolutely nothing this is in terms of spending. This website probably costs about half that of a single one of the millions of shells made for the US military in a year.