> "The unbroken streak of LLVM Weekly editions each Monday has become a bit totemic. It's certainly not always convenient having this fixed commitment, but it can also be nice to have this rhythm to the week. Even if it's a bad week, at least it's something in the bag that people seem to appreciate. Falling into bad habits and frequently missing weeks would be good for nobody, but I suspect that a schedule that allowed the odd break now and then would be just fine."
Fun coincidence: this 10 year LLVM Weekly every Monday streak almost exactly aligns with Tom Scott's just-completed 10 year streak of publishing a new YouTube video every Monday at 4pm. I wrote about that here: https://simonwillison.net/2024/Jan/2/escalating-streaks/
Streak psychology is a complicated thing. Tom Scott's story taught me that a useful characteristic of streaks might be to have a defined end for them - it's OK to deliberately break them when you've hit a milestone, and in fact it's probably healthier than trying to run them forever!
Fun coincidence: this 10 year LLVM Weekly every Monday streak almost exactly aligns with Tom Scott's just-completed 10 year streak of publishing a new YouTube video every Monday at 4pm. I wrote about that here: https://simonwillison.net/2024/Jan/2/escalating-streaks/
Streak psychology is a complicated thing. Tom Scott's story taught me that a useful characteristic of streaks might be to have a defined end for them - it's OK to deliberately break them when you've hit a milestone, and in fact it's probably healthier than trying to run them forever!