They are safer overall because if you don't choose one, you are at a disadvantage. There is no risk to owning a larger vehicle. Conversely there is a risk with owning a smaller vehicle. When designing a vehicle for safety it is the primary objective to increase the safety for the occupants. They are the customers of the safety product. I am not paying for features that diminish my safety for the safety of people that aren't in my car. Other people can be responsible for choosing the safety features that they believe are most effective. Whether they choose correctly or not is not my problem.
Well there is the risk of seeming like an asshole to everyone else. Like, EVERYONE else, not just a single person. But that doesn't seem to be your concern.
You seem to be grossly overestimating the people who think like you.
When you park your new Suburban in your driveway, your neighbor is most likely to say, "Hey, nice Suburban!" rather than scoff at your pedestrian killing death machine.