I have a customer who refuses to migrate away from his Palm Pilot Desktop software Palm Desktop (Windows 7/8/10) last stable release was in 2008. No features have been added in 24 years. The Palm Pilot itself stopped working about 20 years ago. He runs the software in a Windows XP virtual machine.
He runs his entire business off the contact list in the software. Customer has over 50,000 contacts, which the software supports a max of 8k. I got around this limit by using the "Profiles" feature in the software, which allows you to configure multiple users-Each user allowed max of 8k contacts.
I created 10 profiles by dividing the English alphabet into 10 groups based on the frequency of last name first letter in his set of contacts:
Contact Group 1: A, K, T
Contact Group 2: B, L, U
Contact Group 3: C, M, V
Contact Group 4: D, N, W
Contact Group 5: E, O, X
Contact Group 6: F, P, Y
Contact Group 7: G, Q, Z
Contact Group 8: H, R
Contact Group 9: I, S
Contact Group 10: J
Of course, when he needs to search or get data from his contacts, he needs to constantly switch profiles. I can only imagine how mundane that must be, but whatever floats your boat.
He runs his entire business off the contact list in the software. Customer has over 50,000 contacts, which the software supports a max of 8k. I got around this limit by using the "Profiles" feature in the software, which allows you to configure multiple users-Each user allowed max of 8k contacts.
I created 10 profiles by dividing the English alphabet into 10 groups based on the frequency of last name first letter in his set of contacts:
Contact Group 1: A, K, T Contact Group 2: B, L, U Contact Group 3: C, M, V Contact Group 4: D, N, W Contact Group 5: E, O, X Contact Group 6: F, P, Y Contact Group 7: G, Q, Z Contact Group 8: H, R Contact Group 9: I, S Contact Group 10: J
Of course, when he needs to search or get data from his contacts, he needs to constantly switch profiles. I can only imagine how mundane that must be, but whatever floats your boat.