I think what GP was getting at is that the topology is still point-to-point, which tends to lead to a hub-and-spoke system. Hell, it’s even in the name: GitHUB. And fact is, this works out for most people, but it leads to some undesirable failure modes. Maybe we need, say, a “git-discover-remote” command…
So is cryptocurrency, but people still lose their money when exchanges get hacked. :D It's a cry for help. "Make decentralization as convenient as centralization!"
Not sure I understand the 'cry for help's comment.
This has absolutely nothing to do with currency here.
Associating decentralization with currency is idiotic and completely misses the point.
Well, actually on second thought it does: If ipfs or torrent can be used as a data version control backend, people no longer have to pay $600 to get the very popular and basic dataset of arxiv.org from AWS - under torrent or IPFS it's free.
So basically decentralization here means running away from money hungry scams like AWS.