What if he says that he has discovered that if he stands on one foot in the street in front of your house, holds anyone's garage door opener above his head, and clicks it 25 times at precisely 9:01am while shining a laser pointer at the top of the door, your garage door will open.
What matters is if the thing they're doing to test your security is similar to what criminals would do to breach your security.
In the case of a physical location, that bar is low. It's things like seeing if your garage door is open, or your car doors are locked, etc.
In the case of computer resources, that bar is high. Probing your database for permissions holes is absolutely something that a normal "cyber criminal" would do. It's the equivalent of a carjacker looking to see if your doors are unlocked.
So an "online neighbor" alerting you that your database is unprotected doesn't feel weird at all. It's not the equivalent of that weird laser pointer thing you talked about, it's the equivalent of looking to see if your car doors are unlocked while you're away on vacation.
Would I be upset at him? No. Would I want to have been told? Yes. Would I think he's a little weird? Yes. Would I want him to keep doing weird shit and letting me know if he finds any other similar issues? Yes.