Thanks for sharing, the shadow-box trick it really enhance the page. I don't know if you use it, but LiveReload ( can help speed up the refresh page each time that you change something (html, css).
Really enjoyed this video, one tip I could offer though is to setup snippets for HTML when creating divs. Speeds up development time a lot when you just have to write div+tab and then add your class/id.
I'm doing something similar with all my personal projects, but not quite a live video, more a time lapse style so a picture every 30 seconds. It's not for overcoming procrastination for myself, but to focus me & stop me instinctively browsing my regular sites when a difficult section arises.
It's also prompting me to become more efficient as I know when the project is finished & the video compiled it will be watched by my peers who will hopefully provide some insightful feedback!
Right. I haven't tried recording my development, but I'd imagine that this really focuses you.
It reminds me of pair programming -- you're not going to just stop in the middle and go look at HN or go down some man page rat hole tweaking something that isn't going to help you achieve the larger goal that you sat down to reach when you have another developer looking over your shoulder. Shame and ego are such great motivators. :)
I need to give this technique a try, even if I have no intention of every posting any videos.
Appears to be the original author, somebody should probably unban him.