Thank you! I've been playing around with Clojure, because it's just so much fun, but setting up a development environment has been a nightmare (not in the least part, because, well, I've never seriously programmed in non-data/stats languages). I've been using ClojureBox, but that obviously has limitations.
If you're not committed to emacs, then there's plenty of other editors and IDEs that have quality Clojure support. It's worth experimenting a bit to find one you like.
I have been liking Clooj. It has almost nothing that most traditional IDEs have. I would like to see perhaps syntax highlighting, but it does highlight parens. The fact that it is only, for, and by Clojure though makes it pretty awesome. So it is somewhat minimalistic in that it only has what you need, and that's pretty great.
For what it's worth (relatively new to Clojure), I've enjoyed using IntelliJ with Clojure. Tried using emacs for a while but I'm hooked on vi-style bindings and evil-mode (+ emacs's unconventional ways in general) just didn't cut it for me.
Ive recently been working with SublimeText2. Yesterday I wanted to give Clojure another try, so I had a look and found the SublimeREPL plugin. It provides REPLs for several languages, Clojure included. It was very quick and easy to setup, I had it up and running inside of a short lunch break.
Hey, that's cool. I previously hacked up integration that sniffed for an existing JVM ran from the project directory and its REPL listen port, then sent text over telnet to it. Was too rough to use comfortably.
I found trying to get vim and clojure working together to be pretty painful. Right now I just use emacs w/ swank clojure, but with evil mode and a config that pretty accurately emulates my vim set up.
Keep up the great work!