I accidentally stumbled upon a feature in YouTube that's killed my binging altogether.
Turn YouTube Watch History off (Google Account > Data & Privacy > YouTube History). I mostly did it cuz I didn't want Google to have a history of all my YouTube videos, but the accidental effect is that when I go to youtube, I literally have a blank screen (no suggested videos) and instead it just says "turn search history back on"
This means that I have to actually search for a particular topic to start watching about it, and most times when I'd be consuming more, I don't have the mental capacity to pick a topic I care about.
The one hitch is that if you subscribe to channels, you'll still see all those videos, but those update very infrequently and you don't see a bunch of nonsense you don't have to watch.
Resolution is the big compromise with color e-ink, the effective pixel density is cut in half when the color layer is enabled. With the current best panels you get 300dpi in mono mode but only 150dpi in color mode, and fidelity of the mono mode is compromised compared to a mono-only panel with the same resolution. The color rendition still isn't great either.
Going eink helped me cut back video content. But I ended up listening to more podcast at faster speeds and since i have youtube premium, backgorund listening. It's... better, since I treat it as background noise and ears don't get fatigued / strained like eyes do.