> Do too much, and you were sandbagging. Do too little and you're not a competent planner.
BS processes with BS metric targets lead to BS outcomes. In this case, the management is too scared of their own performance reviews (a process) to be unable to take risks (<80% complete) or to accept success (>80% complete).
They would much rather spend months massaging 1 quarter's OKR to fit the 80% bounding box than do any work end-to-end that helps the business.
It was pure waste.
See... one must carefully calibrate OKRs such that only 80% of them are accomplished.
Do too much, and you were sandbagging. Do too little and you're not a competent planner.
You cannot imagine the stupid horse shit that would wrap every quarter as managers would try to manipulate outcomes to look like they hit 80% dead on.