It feels like the hardware engineers are just marching blind making stronger hardware for these computers by the year. Like the hardware feels like it has no constraints when you run a game. The emulation layers the game has to run through seem to limit the fps to 40, but interestingly there is zero performance impact to changing graphical settings all the way to ultra for many games that are able to run through rosetta. This shows there is a ton of headroom available if apple developers bothered making it easy for game developers to write natively for these computers.
Instead, good faith between apple and third party developers is totally burned and not even Valve is writing games for mac anymore despite how absurdly performant these devices are, especially compared to ten years ago when mac gaming was supposed to get its renaissance per apples marketing and the good relationships they had with developers back then.
Instead, good faith between apple and third party developers is totally burned and not even Valve is writing games for mac anymore despite how absurdly performant these devices are, especially compared to ten years ago when mac gaming was supposed to get its renaissance per apples marketing and the good relationships they had with developers back then.