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Orgzly Revived: a community-maintained version of Orgzly (github.com/orgzly-revived)
138 points by vpt on Feb 16, 2024 | hide | past | favorite | 70 comments

Great app, and I'm happy someone picked it up. I have been using it for a few years after I switched from MobileOrg [1]. Regarding sync and conflict handling, I find using it with git a much better experience, assuming the git client is installed on the phone.

These days, I prefer (fountain) pen and paper, but I still like to throw org-mode syntax across notebooks - it is a no-brainer to retype it or try with some OCR in the future.

[1] https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.matburt.mobileorg/

I'm using Orgzly on my phone now to take notes. I also have Emacs on my various computers, always open on at least one, though I never got into Org-mode much. Now, I'd like to try having the same notes on all devices.

Synchthing is mentioned often with Orgzly, so I looked into Syncthing. I've been disappointed to find Syncthing drains the phone battery excessively if you enable continuous (event-driven) two-way sync between phone and server.

The problem is Syncthing doesn't hook into the phone's notification delivery service, so it can only pick up changes by keeping a socket open to the server and sending packets often, throughout the day, to keep the socket alive. Even if there are no file changes to report. That drains the battery much faster than, say, a chat app that uses the notification service to send triggers from the server to the phone when there's a new message. (I wrote about technical reasons why that's more battery-efficient here: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38661294).

Does anyone have a recommendation that will keep notes in Orgzly two-way synchronised with Org files on my server, reliably, without draining the phone battery excessively, and without a long delay for changes on the server to propagate to the phone?

I'm using my fastmail webdav storage. It's accessible from my phone for orgzly, and desktop for Emacs.

Edited to add: In Orgzly Revived go to Settings -> Sync -> Repositories and add https://myfiles.fastmail.com/subfoldername/ (I use "Org")

Thanks your your input. You made me realize I can use my Hetzner storage box for precisely the same. Neat!

Disclaimer: I'm one of the Orgzly Revived maintainers.

It very much depends on your workflow. Some people may need to use different org files for quickly capturing notes on both phone and desktop while avoiding conflicts. (Luckily, both Orgzly and org-mode has good support for combining content from multiple files.)

But in general, the git repository type (still in beta) allows two way syncing without unnecessary conflicts.

I use https://github.com/Catfriend1/syncthing-android which has an option to run only every X minutes of each hour, as a decent tradeoff.

This version also ships and Android Quick Settings tile that will start Syncthing for those X minutes and stop it outside of that schedule, so I'll hit the button as I'm putting on shoes to go out after making a shopping list on my phone or what have you

Try syncthing fork on F-Droid.[0]

You can use more restrictive run conditions, and limit how much time it spends per hour active.

You can also limit it to run only when charging or on specific networks.

[0] https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.github.catfriend1.syncth...

How does it compare to other note taking apps like Obsidian, Notion, Joplin etc?

I used Joplin for about a year and ended up taking a lot of notes. But after a year it was so full of garbage that I found it increasingly difficult to keep things tagged, clearing my "inbox" of quickly taken notes. And it ended up looking like my work email inbox.

The catalyst for giving it up was a subtle policy change at work that made me worry about using a personal note taking app with sync to my personal cloud service. I decided to fork my notes into work and personal. Midway through, I just stopped taking long lived notes entirely. I now have one less chore to do.

The same thing happened with my RemMarkable 2. in fact I tired of the RM2 in a much shorter time because it was such a nightmare to sync, search handwritten text etc etc. Pity, because regular note taking apps suck at drawing and diagramming.

Sure, I will forget stuff, but whatever. Most people forget stuff.

Perhaps it's time to revive Joplin and use that Zen-thingemy that was on HN today, the AI tool that gulps your notes and browser history and provides a summariser / searcher? Perhaps that's the only way to take the pain out of note taking apps?

It's an org-mode limited editor, to have org-mode outside Emacs. Compared to MarkDown and "modern note apps" using it it's like a starship (org-mode) against a bike (MD and modern apps), but Orgzly is limited by the OS/input mode of so it's barely usable.

If you want to take notes seriously you need a desktop.

> If you want to take notes seriously you need a desktop.

Emacs on android and a keyboard also lets you take notes seriously.

With a significant dose of masochism only... At least, IMVHO...

Because of the small screen?

You could use big text, so you can't see that much text onscreen, but it could ironically make it easier to write productively.

Because of the touch input, it's limits (like no modifiers except on third party keyboards that do not offer swyping) and also the small screen, partially covered by the keyboard itself when you write.

On a touch any human type a limited fraction of WPM than with a computer keyboard and the mental effort is much higher. They are just consumption devices, Emacs is meant more to produce than consume, like classic desktops vs modern ones.

We are human, able to consume, but also to produce content, not to be driven by a remote platform but to drive ourselves with the computing to help, see the classic http://augmentingcognition.com/assets/Kay1977.pdf this is the model...

I agree with all of that, but she/he did mention a [Bluetooth] keyboard. That removes the problem completely.

...Ok, they didn't say Bluetooth, but why else would they mention a keyboard?

Where you use a physical keyboard on a mobile device? I doubt while standing on the road, waiting for a train and so on, a physical keyboard is used typically on a table, and in that regard a small laptop is far better since it partially contain "the table": you can type on is on the knees, the screen is "stable" no special support needed, the keyboard equally. Having a typically crappy keyboard, crappier that a craptop keyboard one, + a support to use a mobile device with it's limited an limiting OS, small screen etc is at best masochism.

Mobile is pushed for a reason: it's the best platform for surveillance capitalism, the best solution to profile users and assure they only consume, not create anything significant. For users mobile stuff are just complement of real desktops, those who tried the capitalism narrated model "go mobile, it's the future" never do well except maybe for a short honeymoon timeframe.

Desktop side unfortunately 90% of the substantial development was stopped decades ago, but we still have something and we need it, similarly the "homeserver" model never really took off, but we have something and we desperately need it. The cloud+mobile path is the common Clod Cam you can see on insecam and on the logs of a DDOS attack together with many commercial domestic NAS devices and other "smart" stuff, is the path where "your photos, music, ebooks, ..." exists as long as the third party service managing them exists "for life", of the service, not yours, at the condition the service decide to offer until it change the offer and the price or simply change APIs and your nice app crash and you have to rush to implement something and keep it going IF is still possible, take a look at some Chrome extensions upon Chrome API changes...

Notes might be just the digital equivalent of a scrap paper note to remember the milk, but might also be your college and professional notes for a lifetime, so they potentially hold a BIG value, no wise person can endanger such value rooting it on mobile/cloud land. Oh, and that value is not just the mere text, but also the tools that enable a certain workflow, so the ability to download some MD files does not suffice, at all.

After trying so many kinds of note taking apps. I finally keep coming back one that at max supports Markdown (actually I don't need it, but I can tolerate it) and handles plain text files and give me direct access to those plain text files.

> clearing my "inbox" of quickly taken notes

I always have a note pinned on top called "Clipboard". Sometimes I name it "Snippets". Earlier I used to call it "Jottings".

It's not "that" kind of note-taking app. It uses OrgMode, vs Markdown, if that helps. Seems to be more oriented to tasks and GTD, in particular. The limitations, as noted by others, is mostly in the software stack. Without Emacs it's not a full OrgMode client but a mobile helper. Depends on how you use it. I could barely survive without it nowadays. The reminders and the outlining for projects has become essential.

After trying all the digital options I’m on to a pocket notebook. I carry it instead of a wallet. Great for jotting down that half thought or random todo.

Long running tasks that get rewritten enough times get put in the calendar or a reminder. Anything else that seems important goes in the personal wiki of choice but honestly a lot of the notes are just ephemeral and don’t survive when I switch to a new notebook. And that’s perfectly fine!

I tried that too, but the RM2 was just a larger, more expensive version of that. The problem is that you can't index, search, share, back up etc. I have up after about 10 pages.

That said, my wife bought a hardback diary/planner that has a really nice layout for days/weeks and she uses it every evening.

I really really need a mobile app for org-mode that syncs without pain (yes, I am aware of Orgzly + Syncthing, I am using it, but it still is not as smooth as I want it to be, and has too many annoyances).

I simply cannot imagine leaving the comfort of org-mode for something inferior like markdown, even though there are cool plugins in the Obsidian ecosystem.

Question if you are an Obsidian user - what are your most important plugins?

Orgro [0] is very nice but currently mostly read only [1]

[0] https://github.com/amake/orgro/

[1] https://orgro.org/faq/

What issues are you having with syncthing?

I use it for obsidian and I had quite a bit of annoyances with it until I started having a node running on a VPS that was always on and set the IP address /domain in the mobile application so that it connects almost instantly. Then it didn't matter what my phone and laptop were doing because they could both always connect to the VPS and syncing happened within a second or so.

What do you need syncing for? In my case I sync over WebDAV and the remote is backed by a git client. This lets me sync with emacs

You need to:

- enable save/sync on resume orgzly

- ensure inotify based sync enabled on orgzly folder

- enable polling every minute on syncthing folder

- sync files by most recently modified

Logseq supports org files. Though it does have a pretty different default workflow, which is heavy on backlinks and tags.

is the performance still abysmal? The last time I tried it, a few months ago, you couldn't edit a full page of text without logseq telling you that editing and indexing was disabled for performance reasons. Which is truly bizarre. Sadly didn't work as a replacement for me for that reason.

workflowy is the best thing I've used to replace org-mode on my phone.

Wow, I live out of Orgzly every day and had no idea this was a thing I needed - every day I am so happy I sub to this site. Thank you for posting!

Same here, I use it for todo lists on my phone and didn't know it wasn't being maintained. Although, maybe that's because i haven't encountered any issues. But my use of it is really minimal, as I prefer typing on a keyboard.

Looking back, a few years ago I used to get Orgzly updates fairly regularly and I remember thinking, "Wow, it's nice to use actively developed software and get all these features I never expected but which are convenient." That hasn't happened in a while, but I also didn't realise it hadn't.

I used orgzly+syncthing for a while but the overhead of manually resolving conflicts between my laptop and phone were not worth it in the end. I'd consider using it again if a sync protocol or some other mechanism of merging changes across multiple computers is added.

The approach I use is to have a single incoming notes file for my phone. I then refile those notes into the correct location on my laptop later. It works for me because I realised that when I want to take a note on my phone I usually don't have time for a complete note, so the extra refile step gives me the opportunity to fill it out more at my leisure on my laptop. As an extra benefit though, it means that I only have one file that can conflict, and I can just bias resolution towards the phone's version.

This is how I also do it, and with ediff-files it is fairly quick to resolve whatever conflicts inevitably come up anyway.

I used the same setup and was also frustrated. I replaced Orgzly with Orgro [0] which can only view files but works much better for my purposes.

[0] https://github.com/amake/orgro/

It helps a lot if you have a third machine, which runs 24/7. Haven't had any sync conflicts in ages.

Same, added an always-on Raspberry pi + zerotier to the mix and got rid of the sync issues between my phone, laptop and workstation all at once.

I wish there was something to make some sort of CRDT for modeling org though. I feel that the operation that ended up causing text conflicts in the past had obvious resolutions with the right structure and Metadata, but yeah, resorting to having a peer always on gets around it more easily that writing my own thing and deviating from emacs and orgzly

Funnily enough, crdt.el exists. I've tried it for org-mode syncing and the only thing that broke it was having a Windows Emacs connected to the session. It felt like line endings weren't getting handled properly, but I got frustrated with it and gave up in favour of Emacs in a tmux window on a raspberry pi behind my monitor.

What does the third machine do?

It's a read-only peer with a huge disk which is always on and syncs changes across all devices continuesly. This way you can safely change the same file across all devices, without them having to be online simultaneously.

It would minimize the synchronisation lag between the other machines, being more often started.

It's not going to get added unless someone like you, who has that problem, sits down and writes a working code that solves it.

There is now a native Git repository type, still in beta though.

> The rebranding is due to the disappearance of the Orgzly author

Internet disappearances have become more and more common since COVID times. Honestly scares me

Same thing happened for the Emacs EXWM author Chris Feng:


Or since the Ukraine War

The Russian war on Ukraine is the term you were looking for.

I do wonder if this is the name that history will stick with. Ukrainian War or even Russo-Ukrainian War (the name for the broader conflict starting in 2014) is shorter.

Russo-Ukrainian war jives better with other historical conflicts.

As a Russian I'd rather call it the Putin's war.

What would you call the other wars then?

- Against Georgia (2008)

- against Ichkeria, twice (1994, 1999)

- against Afghanistan (Dec 24, 1979 – Feb 15, 1989)

Just to name a few. ‘As a Russian, I’d rather avoid any responsibility for the actions of my government and play a victim card, telling everyone I didn’t vote for it, so it’s everyone else’s problem.’ Yeah, sounds very Russian to me. Very Russian indeed.

Better, the proxy war that is actually between USA-Russia.

We don't call the Korean war the China and USSR-USA war either.

I don't think this is the argument you think it is...


American weapons, American ISR, American planning, American funding... US politicians talk about a "good investment" and "to the last Ukrainian". I don't understand how you could NOT call it a US-proxy war.

Yeah. A proxy war doesn't mean that Ukraine doesn't deserve to be free.

We care about Ukraine and its people, the US care about money and power.

My solve for this is proper Emacs on a mobile monstrosity (a PinePhone Pro with the keyboard accessory). See [0] for more on that.

[0]: https://linmob.net/using-the-pinephone-pro-daily-despite-hav...

I use both. Normal Android phone with a 60% keyboard.

Orgzly means my Org agenda can give me phone notifications, which means one more thing automated and so one less thing I have to pay attention to

Does it have an option to open a file in place in my shared data directory? I don't need to "import" a file into its app data space, and I want to keep using mgit/syncthing to sync across devices.

At the moment I have a script that calls org-html-export-to-html which I sync to view, but obviously can't update on the device (without setting up emacs).

I tried using this for a couple of months a while back. I could never get into it, but I wish it all the best.

I understand what you mean even though I use orgzly daily.

I really like the idea but there were a couple of things that made it not work for me. I've now just reverted to iCal for scheduling and tasks.

If you're looking for an iOS counterpart, I built https://plainorg.com

Honest question, how does this compare to Google Keep?

Google Keep is a poor note manager, but a great app for content-capturing (text, audio, picture, drawing,..). Orgzly is basically the opposite, it's only text and great (for mobile devices) at handling this, but anything else is missing.

And Keep has a nearly perfect sync, but it's on Google for this. While with orgzly you are on your own, which can be annoying depending on how you sync.

Doesn't share your notes with Google for one. Uses a plain text file to store your notes. Org-mode itself is in a different league when it comes to note taking and organisation.

I find the ability work on emacs superior enough I'm moving my notes. Reorganizing is possible with orgzly. I don't use images anymore.

I am still using Orgzly because it supports Dropbox.

I read that name wrong. Time to get more coffee

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