At 4x it almost seems worth it to hire out the rest of your day-to-day and let the operation cruise. The company will probably under perform over time but you'll get more juice from the fruit.
> At 4x it almost seems worth it to hire out the rest of your day-to-day and let the operation cruise.
As many small business owners learn the hard way, it's nearly impossible to find someone capable of single-handedly operating a small startup who would rather operate your startup than their own startup.
Frequently, you can find someone to take the role for a while. They might even perform well while you're training them up. Then they're likely to go off and start their own thing, which might come uncomfortably close to competing with you (while staying just outside the reach of noncompete agreements).
With how fast tech is pacing there's no guarantee that this business wouldn't be outpaced by competitors, and so if you stay idly by and provide no innovation, the business might just fizzle out.