In Spain this amounts to paying 10EUR to join a club then you can buy at your leisure. Seems like a fairly low barrier.
The data maintenance stuff is a bit more concerning, but I imagine once cannabis is embedded in the country the reporting will disappear in a round of cuts to gov spending
The German law tries to prevent this several ways:
- charging individually for sales is prohibited by §25(2) and §24; the only allowed thing is to have consumption-dependent but standardized ("Pauschale") membership costs. (This is, honestly, worded a bit weird and might need a lawyer to interpret "properly".) [Edit: this got changed in the final version — and is now more restrictive, only membership fees are allowed.]
- you are only permitted to be a member of one association, §16(2)
- associations are only permitted to have 500 members, §16(2)
- there is a minimum membership duration of 3 months, §16(5)
The biggest hurdle for clubs will be that they need dedicated property that fulfills the necessary security requirements. Running a club partly or wholly from a private residence is explicitly forbidden.
The German clubs are not allowed to sell or gift. Members pay a membership fee and are in return allowed to share the crop of their three allowed plants with other members.
This is basically how it works in Spain as well, you don't use the words "buy" or "sell", but you contribute financially to the club treasury and you may withdraw that deposit in suitable amount of weed. You don't hand over cash to the person behind the counter, as an example.
You're not there to "purchase", but the effect is the same.
The data maintenance stuff is a bit more concerning, but I imagine once cannabis is embedded in the country the reporting will disappear in a round of cuts to gov spending