The main strategy is to build sound but imperfect analyzers, i.e. analyzers that never raise false negatives but that may raise some false positives. See §1.6 in [1], a simplified version of the classic Principles of Program Analysis. Good analyzers are practical, rarely raising false positives for well-written programs. The Astreé analyzer reported zero false positives for the 1 MLOC fly-by-wire A380 code.
Another complementary strategy is to avoid Turing-complete constructs as much as possible, i.e. use DSLs with restricted semantics. This way, advanced semantic properties such as termination are provable.
Another complementary strategy is to avoid Turing-complete constructs as much as possible, i.e. use DSLs with restricted semantics. This way, advanced semantic properties such as termination are provable.
[1] Program Analysis, An Appetizer.