5. dec.com: Digital Equipment Corporation (which got bought by compaq, which was bought by HP) made PDP microcomputers. The first interactive lisp was implemented on the PDP-1 in 1963 by Peter Deutsch http://www-formal.stanford.edu/jmc/history/lisp/node5.html
Interesting bit of trivia: nobody can ever have example.com, example.net, or example.org because it's a reserved domain for the RFC. Check it out at www.example.com.
Yeah, people used to care back in the day, like whether you were commercial or nonprofit, etc. .net was reserved for infrastructure providers, organizations who actually owned and operated the physical bits of the network. Nowadays it's a free for all, tho' I think .edu still maintains criteria for registration.
There was a long-running saga of people trying to register fuck.com and being told "no" too.
No they pay now. At the time the fees were billed as a way of expiring unused domains, if you didn't pay, after a while they'd delete the domain.
It didn't work out that way exactly once the company realized how much money they could make.
I'm still kicking myself for not registering some names. But at the time it was all ethical and you were not supposed to register something unless you actually needed it.
Similar to that is the impression between people who know each other that is not ethical to do a similar software business. I assume this is more valid between programmers than in any other industry because people involved are more often more nice. But I suppose someone will live to understand that this is wrong to assume.
1. symbolics.com: made Lisp machines http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symbolics
2. bbn.com: BBN made BBN Lisp for the PDP-1: http://www.softwarepreservation.org/projects/LISP/index.html...
3. think.com: homepage of Thinking Machines Incorporated, the company that made lisp http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/*Lisp
4. ...
5. dec.com: Digital Equipment Corporation (which got bought by compaq, which was bought by HP) made PDP microcomputers. The first interactive lisp was implemented on the PDP-1 in 1963 by Peter Deutsch http://www-formal.stanford.edu/jmc/history/lisp/node5.html
6. northrop.com: northrop is still using lisp http://www.international-lisp-conference.org/2005/speakers.h...
7. xerox.com: xerox made the Xerox Lisp Machines http://www.andromeda.com/people/ddyer/lisp/
8. sri.com: SRI is still using lisp http://www.franz.com/success/customer_apps/it_management/sri...
9. hp.com: HP can be tied to lisp... but more strongly to keven bacon... http://www.hpl.hp.com/techreports/90/HPL-90-213.html
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