The DBOS SDK can deploy your transactional, fault-tolerant TypeScript code locally (any platform) for testing purposes. For production deployment, deploy your code from the SDK to DBOS Cloud
But that is for DBOSCloud, but I guess it goes for DBOS as well?
I don't believe that's the current code. That's the code from when they were a university research project. Now they've spun off it into a commercial venture, the code is here:
It looks like the local development environment is open source but cloud-based production runtime is closed source.
> It does not seem easy to "compile" combine them coherently them into an ISO and install. (ok usb stick, whatever is best these days)
I don't think this actually is an "operating system" in the traditional sense of the term. It isn't trying to replace Linux/Windows/XNU/etc, it isn't something like Fuschia or seL4. They mention a "minimal kernel", but I bet it isn't their own custom OS kernel, it is just a Linux kernel with some minimalist configuration
It is more an "application server" – if WebSphere, WebLogic, Tuxedo, CICS, TXSeries, etc, are "operating systems" then this is an operating system too.
Maybe a merged "application server"/"database", which is not actually a new idea (go back to 1999 or so, and Oracle's J2EE app server was built into Oracle RDBMS, and ran as part of the database; shortly thereafter Oracle decided this was a bad idea, and moved to a more conventional architecture in which the app server runs in a standard JVM outside of the database)
Agreed. It'd be interesting to have Brian Kernighan (C/unix) moderate a panel discussion with Frank Soltis (OS/400) and Michael Stonebraker.
(If OpenAI Sora could create a compelling video of that, I would declare GenAI solved!)
(Was their ever a technical architect associated with Microsoft's Cairo/Longhorn/Avalon/WinFS SQL server filesystem that never made it past MSDN previews? Might want that person on the panel too...)
Appreciating Stonebraker, and the concept of layering an OS on a DB, I went to see how this OS handled basics like console IO, file IO and networking and stumbled across their Hello World app.
The example five liner contained so many programming concepts within its boilerplate syntax (classes, await, annotations, etc), I cant see it taking off unless people already loving typescript think DBOS amazingly solves their problems.
It doesn't seem to make the simple things simple.
(In terms of adoption pitfalls I'm not sure it's overcome the pitfalls NoSQL has... But this time in the operating systems domain.)
Can I download DBOS to run it locally?
Web page says "So Matei and I launched a joint MIT-Stanford open-source R&D project to prototype DBOS"
and it points to this site: and
Neither contain much source code at all.
Under pricing on the main page it says:
Can I run DBOS Cloud on-premises?
The DBOS SDK can deploy your transactional, fault-tolerant TypeScript code locally (any platform) for testing purposes. For production deployment, deploy your code from the SDK to DBOS Cloud
But that is for DBOSCloud, but I guess it goes for DBOS as well?