Rendering the triangle meshes and polygon meshes is actually a ’nice to have’ tip of the iceberg in CAD/CAM/BIM flows and Blender doesn’t really help in the domain problem as such.
In general design workflows feed data to downstream consumers. Two top ’consume’ pipelines are around drawings and CNC machine control (STEP).
Rendering everything nicely is something that is nice to have but does not help in the design process, and for project coordination you probably want an online shared project view (e.g. Trimble Connect and many others).
As a private consumer it’s ofc nice to have a free too to use to tap into industrial data flows but it does not really help you in integrating into them (at least yet, but I might be wrong - data is just data).
I never claimed that Blender was at the level of more focused CAD/CAM and other specialized tool.
I also never claimed that rendering was the only thing you'd ever want to do downstream of building a CAD model. There is a ton of things other than rendering you might want to do with a 3D model initially produced in a cutting-edge CAD package, none of which are possible in the package itself.
On the other hand, if you've ever tried to import - say - an animation or a blob-based model in something like Fusion 360 or Catia ... the whole thing is simply laughable.
Whereas Blender can gobble up pretty much anything that looks like 3D data and give you a huge list of tools to manipulate, edit, display, and change it. No other tools, proprietary or OSS can get anywhere near it in terms of generality.
The fact that Blender, and everything it can do even for a straight CAD-to-manufacturing pipeline is not on your radar doesn't mean it doesn't exist or make it less interesting.
In general design workflows feed data to downstream consumers. Two top ’consume’ pipelines are around drawings and CNC machine control (STEP).
Rendering everything nicely is something that is nice to have but does not help in the design process, and for project coordination you probably want an online shared project view (e.g. Trimble Connect and many others).
As a private consumer it’s ofc nice to have a free too to use to tap into industrial data flows but it does not really help you in integrating into them (at least yet, but I might be wrong - data is just data).