No, because the license. If you release code as FooOSS please will remain as FooOSS. With a CLA the company that owns it can also offer it as a different license. If you don’t sign the CLA, you can offer it as a different license…
But regardless I sell your code under FooOSS until the cows come home without paying anymore else a dime. If I couldn’t, then it wouldn’t be OSS. Now, depending on the FooOSS I might have to share any changes I make… but you cannot revoke my license to your’s.
But regardless I sell your code under FooOSS until the cows come home without paying anymore else a dime. If I couldn’t, then it wouldn’t be OSS. Now, depending on the FooOSS I might have to share any changes I make… but you cannot revoke my license to your’s.