My life experience has been that this line of thinking results in two separate outcomes: "the great thing about standards is that there are so many to choose from" <>, and that publishing a standard does absolutely zero for getting buy-in, with that last one made worse by any short-sighted fools who publish a bunch of words without a reference impl or ideally a TCK. As this whole thread has shown, for 10 people there will be 15 understandings of any given sentence, which is very very bad when trying to get two computers to agree on something
Is there any chance of getting a new, industry-standard not just industry-adopted, simpler but more usable[1] common API?
We already have some client libraries that try to paper over the differences (,, but wouldn't it be nice to have just one wire protocol?
[1]: E.g. standardize create-if-not-exist, even if S3 doesn't implement that.