Those are the factors that make the tradeoff easy for me. I would vastly prefer direct accountability for my own fuckups, because that means I have the agency to do something to fix it.
What makes me want to put my head through a wall is when I fuck up, and four layers of people above me are the only ones allowed to fix the thing, but they don't, so I keep catching flak for my fuckup without any way to stop it and fix the thing. I have many more heated conversations with those managers, which typically leads to the door.
When I fuck something up, rarely is anyone more upset about that than I am. Nobody's dumping more heat on me than I am on myself, so bring on the heat-- as long as I have the agency to fix the problem.
What makes me want to put my head through a wall is when I fuck up, and four layers of people above me are the only ones allowed to fix the thing, but they don't, so I keep catching flak for my fuckup without any way to stop it and fix the thing. I have many more heated conversations with those managers, which typically leads to the door.
When I fuck something up, rarely is anyone more upset about that than I am. Nobody's dumping more heat on me than I am on myself, so bring on the heat-- as long as I have the agency to fix the problem.