> Thorn also revealed that it was working on „issues related to encryption.“ Weeks earlier, the organization warned in a blog post against plans by Meta to offer end-to-end encryption for Facebook Messenger and Instagram Messenger. It said „the world stands to lose 99% of its intelligence on CSAM. This means that abusers will be able to share illegal and harmful child sexual abuse material undetected on the same platforms that we, and our children, use every day.“
Alright, so force Facebook to deal with their CSAM problem and quit taking it out on everyone else.
Rhetorical question: Why not ban snooping without a warrant first, so that innocent people don't have to worry that the actual goal of these efforts to ban encryption is their surveillance ?
If you want to feel even older look up your highschool drug dealer on facebook. Mine did not age well at all, looks like my grandpa even though we were in the same grade.