Surely solar panels are affordable with typical Australian household incomes? And much more effective even in southern Tasmania at 45°S as compared to southern Finland at 60°N (where they're apparently cost-effective since they're building solar farms).
If they feel their electricity provider is screwing with them, why not make their own? Probably even with batteries it would pay for itself given the ROI I'd guess panels have there
Any roof over your head, or balcony where at least some solar can be installed to reduce electricity costs, costs a million plus USD-equivalent in Australia? That seems... unlikely
We have one of the most expensive property markets in the world. An apartment is still possible for under a million however. The median for homes last I looked was due to, or had breached 1.6 million AUD with apartments at a median in the mid 800k AUD range.
Whether or not said apartment is suitable for solar however is not guaranteed. You need both a balcony large enough and in a position to capture the sun. Both things likely to push you towards the higher end of the market at 700-800k.
“Just like last year, Australia's largest capital city ranked as the second least affordable major property market in the world. With a staggering median multiple of 13.8, typical Sydney homes cost about 13 times the average household's annual income.”
2. Housing stock from cheap fuel times facing globalised energy prices.
3. Network assets being corporatised and partially privatised and there having been incentives for these monopolies to invest in unproductive assets for which they are permitted to recover their costs.
4. Costs of competition in the retail sector.
5. Government policy creating uncertainty in investment decisions for renewable assets.
6. The vast majority of consumption is early evening, so not much Sun.
That is a very complicated way to say "The government is in bed with the guys that own all the energy companies, and they have guaranteed them profits for a long time to come."
If they feel their electricity provider is screwing with them, why not make their own? Probably even with batteries it would pay for itself given the ROI I'd guess panels have there