I agree, it’s also irresponsible to name something that reminds many people of alcohol. I think they were trying to invoke the idea of the moonlight as reflecting the sun’s light, just as their software reflects the speech of the user.
As an alcoholic - sober 6 years on January 1, 2025 - I can comfortably say that my addiction is my problem. I do not expect the world to comport to my issues.
If an alcoholic is triggered by this name they need more tools in their toolkit.
The best thing anyone in recovery* can do is build up a toolkit and support system to stay sober. If one expects the world to isolate them from temptation they will never get sober.
* recovery: I loathe this term, but use it because it's familiar. My dislike for it is another conversation and unnecessary here.
Offensiveness is certainly a sliding scale and infused by the culture of the recipients. I agree with OP that some thought should be given to a name to not inflict hurt unnecessarily but also wouldn't have caught moonshine as a term celebrating alcoholism (which is still one of the most damaging drugs available, c.f. David Nutt's Drugs without the hot air).