Last time I published a JVM library I had to Open A Jira Ticket to request the rights to publish a package on the main package registry. Then I had to verify I owned the DNS name prefix for my package by fiddling the DNS records at my hosting provider. It took days just to get authorized! Not including the time needed to like, figure out how to make JARs happen.
Merely as a "for your consideration," GitLab ships with its own Maven repository (along with npm, docker, Nuget, and a bazillion others)[1] so you have total sovereignty over the publishing auth story. I can appreciate going with Central can be a DX win if you're distributing a library, since having folks add <repository> lines to their pom.xml or settings.xml is a hassle, but at least you get to decide which hassle you prefer :-D
Sometimes barrier to entry is good. For example, both npm and cargo struggle with package name squatting and malicious packages that are miss spellings of common packages.
Pedantically, that's only one way to resolve a go package - and for sure the more obvious[1] - but the most famous one I know of is that uses a <meta> tag to redirect to its actual GH repo, which only the deepest golang ninja would know how to use: compare view-source: with view-source:
In go: `git push` to a public repo
In js: `npm publish` after making an NPM account