Cargo is also a fantasy dream coming from npm/yarn/etc.. whatever garbage they keep adding. Being able to go to and get the method signature is invaluable.
Having to go to and look up the method rather than being able to do `perldoc [package]', or (even better) being able to just ask your language to `(describe '[method])' is terrible.
You can do that (depending on your editor) and you can follow the types around. But many times I find myself preferring for documentation navigation.
cargo doc --open gets you a web browser pointing at local documentation for exactly the set of stuff in your installed versions of all crates for the current package.
In python land, uv (for project) and pipx (for CLI tools).
Package management for languages owes its heritage to CPAN, which then, in turn, owes its lineage to StopAlop the first package manager written about 1992, which inspired dpkg. Now there is nix which cuts across system package and configuration management. Perhaps in the future or soon LLMs will be able to rewrite hot sections in other languages and repeatedly benchmark various implementation approaches in a generative manner.