This is funny because as a CS grad, I cringe about 75% of the time when blockchain enthusiasts make pitches that are oblivious to the workings of blockchains, the tech underneath, and their alternatives.
If the blockchain community can't understand blockchain, it's going to be nigh impossible to convey comprehension to the general public.
The general public generally just wants the authorities whose job it is to manage voting to do so in a competent manner. It's worth noting that there's really only been one candidate for national election in modern history who has called into question the fairness of our elections. (And then only when he lost.)
Most of us understand that the folks who work for the Secretaries of State are generally doing the best they can with the resources we provide, and we don't want to provide more resources so they can do a "better" job.
This is funny because as a CS grad, I cringe about 75% of the time when blockchain enthusiasts make pitches that are oblivious to the workings of blockchains, the tech underneath, and their alternatives.
If the blockchain community can't understand blockchain, it's going to be nigh impossible to convey comprehension to the general public.
The general public generally just wants the authorities whose job it is to manage voting to do so in a competent manner. It's worth noting that there's really only been one candidate for national election in modern history who has called into question the fairness of our elections. (And then only when he lost.)
Most of us understand that the folks who work for the Secretaries of State are generally doing the best they can with the resources we provide, and we don't want to provide more resources so they can do a "better" job.