Right. We need more Hispanics to vote Republican. One of the things I discuss with Hispanic friends is that none of us should vote for the kind of people who destroyed the countries we all came from. We have friends from Mexico, Guatemala, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, etc. Most are educated professionals who know their history and, in general, very aware of LATAM history and politics. Not ONE OF THEM votes on the left. Ever. Because they know where they came from.
Quite a few of the Hispanics who vote on the left are low-information, low-education voters who can be bought with fake giveaways, not realizing they are shooting themselves in the foot.
At the end it is always a matter of education. In the US, it is a matter of our educational institutions of "higher" learning having descended into becoming centers of indoctrination. I went to university in Argentina for engineering. We studied engineering, not the bullshit socially-twisted, time-wasting courses universities force students to take here in the US.
My oldest son attended a top university back east for CS. He burned a year of his life in the aggregate taking bullshit courses having nothing whatsoever to do with CS. They also forced him to take classes on Marxism where they romanticized the ideology. How? The made it the only class available, and if he wanted to graduate that was the only choice from here to eternity. I don't even want to imaging what they do to liberal arts students. It is truly despicable.