Every now and then I want to know, for example, what the best shower filter is on the market. Now I know that when I google this question I get a series of websites with "top 10 XYZ" listicles and 99% of these are now written by LLMs with dubious sources if any. Do y'all know any websites that actually and reliably test and review the products they make listicles about?
I can try to change my search engine etc etc, but I'd really like to just build up a repertoire of trusted websites for stuff like this.
I tend to go to YouTube to find videos where people buy a bunch of stuff and test them, like Project Farm. There are some that lean on sponsors and affiliates hard, which can call their integrity into question if the results are largely opinion based. If I don't hear any negatives and it sounds like someone is just ready marketing copy from the company, I disregard everything they say and don't go back to their videos.
There are probably still some niche sites for some things, but they are getting harder and harder to find. HouseFresh wrote an article about this a while back that made a bit of noise[0].
[0] https://housefresh.com/david-vs-digital-goliaths/ and follow up https://housefresh.com/how-google-decimated-housefresh/