Well yes, but if it's someone else's library, realistically you're not going to change it.
Zig is a static language without variadic parameters, so you can't make it optional in that sense. You could make the options a `?T` and pass `null` instead, but it isn't idiomatic, because passing `.{}` to a parameter expecting a `T` will fill in all the default values for you.
How does this create variadic functions? The arity is the same, since the function signature defines the exact amount of arguments. The compiler just passes the omitted ones for you.
Zig is a static language without variadic parameters, so you can't make it optional in that sense. You could make the options a `?T` and pass `null` instead, but it isn't idiomatic, because passing `.{}` to a parameter expecting a `T` will fill in all the default values for you.