But what it comes to is that in the great struggle between Capital and Labor, or Property and Energy, capital is by nature very excludable, while Labor (lacking organization into a guild or union) is not very excludable (workers cannot stop the capitalist from working for himself, even if only temporarily). Capital will thus be valued more on free markets than Labor, in general.
Excellent point. What I wonder is how excludable Capital truly is, though. Is it inherently excludable? Gold is, and electronic money effective is, but land isn't, and social connections definitely aren't.
This actually maps exactly onto left-right politics, outside the United States. In most of the world, the Right represents Property/Capital and the Left represents Labor/Energy, and socioeconomic politics consists of trying to form a workable arrangement between the two.
Great observation. In the U.S., we effectively have two political parties that represent Property. One is just more of a dick about it, and more willing to use cultural wedge issues to move useful idiots against their own interests, but they're both pretty rotten. I think, for what it's worth, that their uselessness is by design; an ineffectual government enables these parties' rich owners to get away with murder.
Excellent point. What I wonder is how excludable Capital truly is, though. Is it inherently excludable? Gold is, and electronic money effective is, but land isn't, and social connections definitely aren't.
This actually maps exactly onto left-right politics, outside the United States. In most of the world, the Right represents Property/Capital and the Left represents Labor/Energy, and socioeconomic politics consists of trying to form a workable arrangement between the two.
Great observation. In the U.S., we effectively have two political parties that represent Property. One is just more of a dick about it, and more willing to use cultural wedge issues to move useful idiots against their own interests, but they're both pretty rotten. I think, for what it's worth, that their uselessness is by design; an ineffectual government enables these parties' rich owners to get away with murder.