How do you expect properties to interact with IDEs?
The argument that C# choosing to offer features that lead to terser implementation seems orthogonal to where you write it. Behavior in property getters and setters may as well be completely hidden from the caller. But the standard expectation is that accessing and/or setting a property should be cheap and not involve much logic, which most of the code out there adheres to.
(and personally I'm finding it to be a more productive experience than any dynamically typed language which always feels like stone age regardless of the environment)
> How do you expect properties to interact with IDEs?
An IDE can highlight non-basic properties in a different colour from basic properties, or underline them or something. That would be difficult for an editor to do as part of normal syntax highlighting.
This is also a problem when reviewing changes through github-like workflows, and even more with patch-based workflows. It's probably either impossible or very difficult to fix that ever.
The argument that C# choosing to offer features that lead to terser implementation seems orthogonal to where you write it. Behavior in property getters and setters may as well be completely hidden from the caller. But the standard expectation is that accessing and/or setting a property should be cheap and not involve much logic, which most of the code out there adheres to.
(and personally I'm finding it to be a more productive experience than any dynamically typed language which always feels like stone age regardless of the environment)