It's not a hard dichotomy. Almost all of the rules Rust imposes are also present in C++, enforcement is simply left up to the fallible human programmer. Frankly though, is it that big a deal whether we call it unique_ptr/shared_ptr or Box/Arc if a lifetime is truly unknowable?
Rust shines in the other 95% of code. I spend some time every morning cleaning up the sorts of issues Rust prevents that my coworkers have managed to commit despite tooling safeguards. I try for 3 a day, the list is growing, and I don't have to dig deep to find them. My coworkers aren't stupid people, they're intelligent people making simple mistakes because they aren't computers. It won't matter how often I tell them "you made X mistake on Y line, which violates Z rule" because the issue is not their knowledge, it's the inherent inability of humans to follow onerous technical rules without mistakes.
Yeah, I don't end up fighting rust very often, and when I do, it is right. And when I run into a case that it isnt, I have unsafe and the rustonimicon to help me. You can do anything in rust you can do in c++, it is just that rust defaults to safe instead of unsafe, and there is no single keyword to let you know the c++ you are looking at is safe.
Rust shines in the other 95% of code. I spend some time every morning cleaning up the sorts of issues Rust prevents that my coworkers have managed to commit despite tooling safeguards. I try for 3 a day, the list is growing, and I don't have to dig deep to find them. My coworkers aren't stupid people, they're intelligent people making simple mistakes because they aren't computers. It won't matter how often I tell them "you made X mistake on Y line, which violates Z rule" because the issue is not their knowledge, it's the inherent inability of humans to follow onerous technical rules without mistakes.