Saw one of these on Japanology Plus earlier this year ( --> jump to the 19 minute mark). Thought it was interesting, but I'll stick to my regular showers.
I'm skeptical that this would provide enough scrubbing action, especially in all my nooks and crannies. My dishwasher doesn't even do a sufficient job on simple plates and bowls without preliminary cleaning, so I expect this device would have a lot of those same issues. Instead of going into the business of providing human washing machines, I think providing a "human to join you in the shower and wash you" service would be a lot more popular and profitable.
Make sure your filter is clean and that you're adding soap to your prewash. If you're still getting dirty dishes after that, you may need to check your water hardness and adjust your salt dispenser. Dishwashers should only struggle with heavily soiled dishes if the cycle time is too short, otherwise something else is wrong.