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> Python is ill-suited for browser scripting because it boldly claims to have “batteries included”, i.e. it has a sprawling standard library, and most of it is entirely incompatible with the browser environment’s sandboxing and async execution model.

Per a previous comment[0], Python was an example of my point, but I was thinking even more about any scripting language that employs pre-processors so the code inlining works.

> Back in the late 1990s, multi-language support was part of the original design of the <script> tag. Microsoft’s market-leading browser defaulted to VBScript rather than JavaScript.

That in the context of the browser wars back then. Today that war is kind of settled, still fighting to take down some Chrome's dominance of course.

> But of course people wanted interoperability rather than writing separate scripts for IE and Netscape.

But my point is that it would be a kind of start, JS is too dominant for the front-end community. If you don't know JS you're just dead in the water.

You have to inherently like JS to be an effective front-end developer. That's an unfair constraint.

WebAssembly kind of opened that door, but we are still in these early days.


[0]: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=42508950

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