Those links are not sacrificial; it is everything else that is sacrificed. It is a healthy rabble, better called a bustle, that leads to the discovery of wisdom. Everything else is a non-event.
And in what sense are the Shakespearean monkeys an unhealthy rabble?
I'm currently vibing that those popular+attentionally-limited links are necessary, but not sufficient, for wisdom uncovery..
And that a healthier route may involve actively compensating for the intrinsic asymmetry between Rao's weird & hypernormal in his "new systems of survival".
(Contrast with Jane Jacobs' guardian/commercial, or Rao's latest Mandala/Machine dichotomy, when the yinyang dynamic is much more obvious)
As I mentioned to GP earlier, one design bug with the current dynamic is that there is no affordance* for the hook of enlightenment (moksha) to turn into sustainable (re)production (flow, aka samsara)
Imagine the Shakespearean monkeys, but with a mechanism to string together some of the shorter uncoveries..