I love HN hubris. What do you base your claims on?
I assure you that most oncologists stay on top of the latest studies. I work with them on a daily basis.
> Doctors are making mistakes with imperfect and bad knowledge all the time.
That’s not relevant to the current discussion. Mistakes are not the same as not being aware of the latest research.
> In every other country a medical doctor is a 4 year bachelor's degree.
You’re all over the place in your arguments. The length of training is irrelevant to staying on top of the latest research.
> Every professional class has such requirements - accountants, lawyers, civil engineers, etc.
Not to the same degree. I don't recall too many accountants doing 3-4 years of apprenticeship. The world isn’t black and white, there is gray.
I’d suggest to stick to commenting on things you know about.
I love HN hubris. What do you base your claims on?
I assure you that most oncologists stay on top of the latest studies. I work with them on a daily basis.
> Doctors are making mistakes with imperfect and bad knowledge all the time.
That’s not relevant to the current discussion. Mistakes are not the same as not being aware of the latest research.
> In every other country a medical doctor is a 4 year bachelor's degree.
You’re all over the place in your arguments. The length of training is irrelevant to staying on top of the latest research.
> Every professional class has such requirements - accountants, lawyers, civil engineers, etc.
Not to the same degree. I don't recall too many accountants doing 3-4 years of apprenticeship. The world isn’t black and white, there is gray.
I’d suggest to stick to commenting on things you know about.