Apart from you being a transphobe, there's also Musk's antisemitism, racism, censorship, and many other things, so this doesn't invalidate my main point at all.
You may as well call me a Hubbardphobe for not accepting the nonsense of body thetans and telepathic exorcism. Most people don't believe what you believe.
I don't agree that Musk is a racist. But I do agree with you about the censorship. All his talk of turning Twitter into a free speech platform was a load of hot air, like much of what he says.
I certainly agree with Yawrehto that you're a transphobic bigot. Whitewashing and carrying the water for Musk's public child abuse and malicious parenting, as well as his well documented racism, just goes to show what kind of a sociopath you and Musk really are.
But thanks for serving a purpose of the shining example and incontrovertible proof of exactly what kind of ignorant hateful pathetic people Musk fan-boys really are. You've perfectly and unwittingly illustrated and validated both my point and Yawrehto's point. Thanks for playing.