You don't seem to understand the point, or the value, of proof. Ironically, this belies a poor understanding of the value of belief.
If you're going to assert "there's zero doubt", then you should have profound amounts of proof. But to couple that with "you don't need to prove it" exposes a very fragile worldview.
Doubt isn't the opposite of belief, but its opening act. If I believe something to be true, I can explain why. This requires proof and a state of humility. The strongest faith is forged in the fires of the deepest doubt.
If you aren't willing to entertain doubts or understand the value of proofs, why are you even on a hacker forum? Everything here is science, mathematics, and technology. Hacking requires a mix of curiosity, rigor, and imagination. It's not that any discussion outside the accepted consensus is unwelcome, but if you're going to engage in such a silly way, you shouldn't be surprised when things "[get] ugly".
Dude you just need to get first hand experience. That’s the whole point. You can keep dancing around it, but that’s a fact. Until then, you’re just lost in delusion. You have no concept of my worldview, barely your own. You need to try. If you don’t do that, you just keep generating garbage like this, unchallenged, think you’re right - you’re missing so much of the picture. You’re so wrong, you don’t even know it.
> Dude you just need to get first hand experience.
> That’s the whole point. You can keep dancing around it, but that’s a fact.
Why do you believe this to be true?
First-hand experience doesn't seem to offer me much except confirmation bias and feeding one's ego. No thanks.
> Until then, you’re just lost in delusion.
What belief have I uttered in this discussion that warrants the word "delusion"?
> You have no concept of my worldview, barely your own.
How would that even work, having "barely [my] own" concept of my own worldview? If I barely have a concept of a given worldview, how would it be mine? Even if it were flawed?
> You need to try. If you don’t do that, you just keep generating garbage like this, unchallenged, think you’re right - you’re missing so much of the picture. You’re so wrong, you don’t even know it.
We have language for a reason. If you can't explain something and convince me of it being true without me having to experience it first-hand, and independent experts cannot interrogate your explanations to agree that it's correct, then how do you know it's actually true?
You keep making absolute statements, but get really defensive when I ask simple questions.
Dude, there's a lot of delusion in your answer, I appreciate you for revealing it. Maybe you can read it back and learn.
However you saw your role here in the arc of the psi/Remote Viewing story, it was never that. This was just 1 moment in your life where you had a chance to try something new. And you failed. Because of fear. Just like I laid out in my OG linked answer why it would be hard. You showed the example.
I hope you have a nice day and give it a shot another time.
Well you kept pretending you know how I feel when you don’t, you seemed awfully concerned about how I feel, despite your resistance here being all about you.
Fear is not belittling, it's okay to be afraid. Only shame is to hide from it, or let it rule you. So why all this angry noise and abuse, all this time, when you could have just tried? You can always show it doesn't rule you: try.
Your outburst doesn't affect me because I'm so assured in this - I earned it - but think about how your angry outburst here will affect and may dissuade people who want to try this, and take responsibility for your words and your own convincing, instead of fake blaming others. If dissuading people is your goal, continue and you'll meet people like me who'll push back in ways you dislike. If it's not don't do it.
If you come back to this topic, I encourage you to read my OG answer, see your patterns, decide to move beyond them, try the next steps, and head to the remoteviewing subreddit. There's a community of people there happy to assist someone with the humility to say "I don't know, but I'll try". From your behavior here tho, I'm not interested to know you at all, so please do not contact me again. Accept that 'no', thanks. Good bye.
It's a beautiful time of year, I hope you find some peace and that what challenged you here becomes seeds in the new year that grow into real growth rather than the stagnation you orbited. And be better.
You don't seem to understand the point, or the value, of proof. Ironically, this belies a poor understanding of the value of belief.
If you're going to assert "there's zero doubt", then you should have profound amounts of proof. But to couple that with "you don't need to prove it" exposes a very fragile worldview.
Doubt isn't the opposite of belief, but its opening act. If I believe something to be true, I can explain why. This requires proof and a state of humility. The strongest faith is forged in the fires of the deepest doubt.
If you aren't willing to entertain doubts or understand the value of proofs, why are you even on a hacker forum? Everything here is science, mathematics, and technology. Hacking requires a mix of curiosity, rigor, and imagination. It's not that any discussion outside the accepted consensus is unwelcome, but if you're going to engage in such a silly way, you shouldn't be surprised when things "[get] ugly".