I personally blog for the same reason some people play the guitar: I don't care whether what I produce is good or not, or whether people like the articles I write or not.
It's just a hobby.
Even my girlfriend doesn't read my posts if I'm to be honest. But the act of writing soothes me, and as a non-native English speaker I feel it's been a great way to improve on my written English.
Also, writing your own static site generator is a pretty fun (and easy) thing to do.
It's just a hobby.
Even my girlfriend doesn't read my posts if I'm to be honest. But the act of writing soothes me, and as a non-native English speaker I feel it's been a great way to improve on my written English.
Also, writing your own static site generator is a pretty fun (and easy) thing to do.
Shameless plug as well: https://blanchardjulien.com/ Static site generator: https://github.com/julien-blanchard/Loulou